
Syllabus 102-106

Page history last edited by William Patrick Wend 12 years, 5 months ago


ENG 102-103 11am-1220pm

Spring 2012

William Patrick Wend



Office Hours

Laurel Hall 114 MW 10am-11am F 1pm-2pm

Parker 413B T TH 10am-11am


I am also available by appointment if these hours don’t work for you (See calendar on wiki for more about my schedule)


Contact Information


Office: 609-894-9311 #1401

Skype (professorwend)

Google Talk: professorwend@gmail.com

Yahoo: professorwend

AIM: professorwend

Twitter@wpwend42 (personal account)


I am primarily online during the early morning except for Wednesday's when I do "EOffice" hours (Wednesday Nights 8pm-9pm)


Required Texts

  • Literature: An Introduction To Poetry, Drama, and Writing Custom Edition For Burlington County College, Pearson, 1-256-28434-5 
  • Anne Frances Wysocki, Dennis A. Lynch, The DK Handbook, Pearson, 978-0-205-74143-4
  • Sheridan Le Fanu, Carmilla, I will be supplying both digital and, if requested, print editions of this novella


An optional text you may want to check out...


Goals & Focus Of Course

  • Discuss works of literature through extensive reading and discussion.
  • Analyze short stories for plot, setting, characterization, theme, and point of view.
  • Examine poetry for imagery, diction, tone, speaker, language, and structure.
  • Examine plays, focusing on character development, dramatic structure, and performance.
  • Write essays, using MLA-style documentation, analyzing works of short fiction, poetry, and drama.


Expectations & Policies

Below is a brief description of how I will grade writing in this course:

A: Mastery of essential elements and related concepts, plus demonstrated excellence or originality.

B+: Mastery of essential elements and related concepts, showing higher level understanding.

B: Mastery of essential elements and related concepts.

C+: Above average knowledge of essential elements and related concepts.

C: Acceptable knowledge of essential elements and related concepts.

D: Minimal knowledge of related concepts.

F: Unsatisfactory progress. This grade may also be assigned in cases of academic misconduct, such as cheating or plagiarism, and/or excessive absences.



Attendance is important. I am allowing four absences. Your grades will be determined by your writing, but attendance and class participation are crucial. If you do not attend class or participate actively, you are unlikely to comprehend the course material well enough to write a skillful term paper.


Points will be taken off your final grade for having more absences than four. After four absences, your continued presence in this course will be at my discretion. I reserve the right to, and will, fail a student based on excessive absenteeism. In my experience, students who do not attend class rarely achieve their academic goals.


I will not tolerate frequent lateness. Leaving early, without prior permission, is considered disrespectful and will not be tolerated. If this is a morning class and the student has difficulties staying awake or showing up on time, I would strongly suggest finding another section of 102 to take.


Smart Phones, Texting, Laptops, & Other Issues of Etiquette

Please turn your cell phone off BEFORE entering the classroom. If your cell phone goes off more than once while class is in a session, you will be asked to leave. I will not tolerate texting or other distractions to the learning experience. I will be taking points off of your course contribution grade for every time that, at the end of class, I can remember you texting during that class.Laptops are fine as long as they aren’t a distraction. Students who use education apps on their smart phones (please tell me about them!) are fine too. Please remove all earbudsbefore entering class.


In my classes, I have an expectation students will have access to email and computers in general. All of your work will be submitted to me digitally. Given there are public and school libraries, the ILC, coffee shops, etc, students need to budget their time better; I do not see any excuse for having “no access” to email outside of the classroom.


Students are expected to check their BCC email on a regular basis. I do not accept the excuse, “I didn't check my email for two weeks” as a valid problem. Digital correspondence should be written using proper grammar and form. I will not reply to emails filled with texting speak (2, u, 4, lol, j/k) or poor grammar and/or misspellings. Please include a subject and "sign" your email with your name and course section.


I will not be carrying handouts around all semester. If you miss class or lose a handout, please check the course wiki within 48 hours of the class to view, download, or print a PDF of the handout in question. Most of the time they will be uploaded before class. 


Finally, a matter of general respect: I do not tolerate homophobic, misogynistic, ableist, or racist language in the classroom. 



I expect your work to be error free. You are expected to proofread for spelling, mechanics, and grammar. I will mark down for these errors; please revise and proofread often. All papers are to be typed, titled, double spaced, and given page numbers with your last name. All papers will be submitted digitally to my email by 11:59pm on the due date. I will not be accepting print copies of your papers.


If you use Microsoft Works, I would like you to convert your files (.wps) to something more accessible like .doc or .odt before submitting. Also, students writing in the .pages format will need to do the same. Please see me if you need help.


Do not consider your paper submitted until, if and only if, you receive a confirmation reply (usually within 24 hours, but don't panic if it is closer to 48-72). If you do not receive one within 48-72 hours, it is the student’s responsibility to get in touch with me about their work. I am not responsible for making sure you hand in your assignments; it is yours. Please make sure you are backing up your work to an external hard drive, flash drive, cloud based source or other backup method. I will not accept excuses involving crashed computers or broken files.


Finally, please follow the “24 hour rule” for paper returns. I do not discuss returned student papers until 24 hours have elapsed since I returned them. There will be no discussion in person or via email about them until that time window. 


Term Paper

Your term paper must conform to the sample research paper that begins on page 331 ofThe DK Handbook. The term paper will have an introductory paragraph with a thesis, body of essay, and conclusion. This paper should be 2,000 words NOT including the works cited. Your paper will be written according to current MLA documentation standards. A rough draft will be handed in as part of your assignment grade plus my comments a few weeks before the paper is due as well as an annotated bibliography. The final draft of the term paper will be due the final week of classes.


All research must be dated after 2000, unless previous permission is granted, and gathered using research at the college library or via the internet. A minimum of three sources is required for a passing grade. This semester, your final papers will be written about, or a topic which your reading peaked your curiosity, during our discussions of Sheridan Le Fanu's novella Carmilla


Rough Drafts

I allow students to submit rough drafts of their writing. Rough drafts will be due by the Monday before the paper is due, which gives me time to properly annotate and return them to you. While I can offer guidance and suggestions to improve your writing, the primary responsibility is on the student to allow enough time for revision. I strongly believe in personal ownership and responsibility over your collegiate success.


Paper Revision Policy

I strongly believe one of the most important lessons I learned about writing was that quality work almost always entails rewriting. In this class I will accept one rewrite of a paper until the Friday after grades are sent back to the entire class. This means if you are not satisfied with your grade, you may resubmit one paper for that predetermined period of time. This time period will be added to the online version of the syllabus and announced during class. Normally, this will be anywhere from three to five days. After that time period, you may not resubmit. I am only accepting one revision per student. Please choose which paper you revise carefully. 


Obviously, just resubmitting the paper will not count as a rewrite. If you incorporate the feedback I give you on your papers when I send them back, the odds are pretty high you will improve your grade. Only making cosmetic changes will not improve it.


Extension Policy

Extensions are gifts, not a right. College work involves responsibility and ownership over your individual situation. With that in mind, here are a few caveats about extensions. First, I need to know 48 hours before an assignment is due if you need an extension. This will be clearly addressed on the class schedule. To apply for an extension, we must speak in person or over email immediately. A rough draft of your paper in progress will be required to be handed in at this time. I will then determine whether to grant or deny the extension and how much time would be allotted for it. 

To apply for an extension beyond the 48 hour mark for reasons of hospitalization, bereavement, military service, observance of religious holidays, legal reasons (jury duty, etc), or work related issues (ie: getting called into work at the last minute), written documentation not given before the due date must be in by Saturday night after the due date.

For the following reasons, extensions will not be permitted: short term illnesses and family vacations.

Only one extension will be granted per semester, although an "emergency" extension can be granted under certain circumstances. 


Academic Honesty

Plagiarism will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Be aware that plagiarism includes (but is not limited to) copying someone else’s words without crediting the source; paraphrasing someone else’s words without crediting the source; using someone else’s ideas without crediting the source (even if rephrased in your own words); using facts not universally known which are obtained from a source without crediting the source; asking someone else to write your paper, either in whole or in part; or obtaining a paper or portion thereof by any means and submitting it as an original document. The penalty for plagiarism is failure of the assignment and potentially failure of the course (at the instructor’s discretion), and it may result in suspension or expulsion from the College (at the discretion of the Student Affairs Committee). Please refer to the BCC Student Handbook for additional information regarding College regulations and the handling of plagiarism.


With this in mind, all papers that use in-text citations must have a works cited page. Failure to include a works cited page will be an automatic zero for the paper. 



Email is an excellent way to contact me. Please provide a clear subject line and include your name and class section in the text of the email. I will respond to your email within 48 hours. I do not answer emails with poor grammar or texting speak.


Upon receiving a paper, I will reply to confirm it. Grading a set of papers normally takes a week. I will announce in class when the final batch has been returned. If you have not gotten your paper back by then, I did not receive it. It is the student’s job to follow up with me if they do not receive their work by then. I will not accept late papers or excuses which amount to student's disinterest in keeping up with their email. I suggest checking with me if you do not receive a confirmation email within 48 hours of submitting your paper.


Make Up Work

Work should be handed in on the date it is due. I will accept late work with one full grade taken off the top for each class it is late. If an emergency has come up, I expect an email before the class you will be missing letting me know. Your work will be due at our next meeting, but it would be great if you could email it to me in the meantime as well.



Course Contribution 10%

Journals 10%

Citation Practice 5%

Two papers 15% each (30% total)

Class Leadership Day 10%

Poetry Exam 10%

Final Paper 25%



A 100-92

B+ 91-88

B 87-80

C+ 79-75

C 74-70

D 69-65

F 64-0


Notification For Students With Disabilities

Burlington County College offers reasonable accommodations and/or services to persons with disabilities. The Office of Special Populations offers comprehensive services to all students with any form of disability (with appropriate official documentation) which hinders their academic success. Students must request the accommodation(s) from the Office of Special Populations. Please contact the Special Populations Coordinator at (609) 894-9311 or (856) 222-9311 Ext. 1803 at or visit the website at:http://www.bcc.edu/pages/182.asp.


Additional Support/Labs

Burlington County College provides confidential advising and counseling services free to all students through the Department of Academic Advisement & Transfer. For more information about advising and counselling services, visit the Parker Center or call Extension 7337 at (609) 894-9311 or visit the websites:


Advising: http://staff.bcc.edu/advising/


Counseling: http://staff.bcc.edu/counseling/


Free tutoring is also available for all currently enrolled students. For more information regarding The Tutoring Center call Extension 1495 at (609) 894-9311 or visit the website


Tutoring Center: http://staff.bcc.edu/tutoring/



Students in my classes are responsible for reading and understanding these course policies. Do you have questions? 

  • Send me an email: wwend@bcc.edu 
  • Talk to me before or after class
  • Come to my office during office hours (Parker 413b)  


If you are a student who has progress reports for a sport, EOF, or anything else, I will only fill these out during office hours. I will not fill them out at the end or beginning of classes.  


The syllabus is a living document. Sometimes, things might not work and we will need to make a change. This syllabus is subject to change at all times. Any changes will be discussed in class and announced on the wiki.  


Week One

Tuesday January 24th

  • Attendance 

  • Discuss syllabus

  • Discuss citation practice assignment

  • Discuss journal guidelines


For Next Time: Read John Updike's A&P (16-21)


Remember: If you have not yet purchased the required texts for this class, please acquire them as soon as possible.


Thursday January 26th

  • Attendance  

  • Discuss class leadership assignment 

  • Discuss first paper assignment 

  • View gender wiki

  • Discussion of Updike's A&P


For Next Time: Read Joyce's Araby (345-349)


Remember: If you have not yet purchased the required texts for this class, please acquire them as soon as possible. Your citation practice assignment is due to my email (wwend@bcc.edu) by Friday evening. 


Week Two

Tuesday January 31st

  • Attendance
  • Gender Group Work 
  •  Discussion of Joyce's Araby 


For Next Time: Read Baldwin's Sonny's Blues (49-71)


RememberFebruary 2nd is the final day to withdraw from the course with a 50% refund.


Thursday February 2nd

  • Attendance  
  • View point of view wiki
  • Discussion of Baldwin's Sonny's Blues


For Next TimeRead Poe's Cask of Amontillado (A219)


RememberFebruary 2nd is the final day to withdraw from the course with a 50% refund.


Week Three

Tuesday February 7th

  • Attendance  
  • Point of view group work
  •  Discussion of Poe's Cask of Amontillado 


For Next Time: Read O'Connor's A Good Man Is Hard To Find (226-250)


Remember: If you have any ideas for paper topics, please let me know


Thursday February 9th

  • Attendance  

  • View theme wiki

  • Discuss O'Connor's A Good Man Is Hard To Find 

  • Class leadership meeting 


For Next TimeRead Borges' The Gospel According To Mark (312-316) 


Remember: Keep brewing on paper topics. If you have a topic already, I would suggest starting a draft of your paper soon. 


Week Four

Tuesday February 14th

  • Attendance
  • Theme group work
  • Discussion of Borges' The Gospel According To Mark


For Next Time: Read Jackson's The Lottery (213-219)


Remember: Your next few stories are not in the book. Please pay attention to the syllabus.


Thursday February 16th

  • Attendance  

  • View symbolism wiki

  • Discussion of Jackson's The Lottery

  • Pass out Robert Coover's The Phantom of the Movie Palace  

  • Class leadership meeting 


For Next Time: Read Nabokov's Natasha (http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/features/2008/06/09/080609fi_fiction_nabokov?currentPage=all)


Remember: Your first paper is due in two weeks. 


Week Five

Tuesday February 21st

  • Attendance  
  • Symbolism group work
  • Discussion of Nabokov's Natasha 


For Next TimeRead Robert Coover's The Phantom of the Movie Palace (Handout)


RememberQuarter mark attendance warnings will go out to students with two or more absences. 


Thursday February 23rd

  • Attendance  

  • View plot wiki

  • Discussion of Coover's The Phantom of the Movie Palace 

  • Class leadership meeting 


For Next Time: Read Chopin's Story of an Hour (316-318)


Remember: Your first paper is due in one week. If you are submitting a rough draft for the first paper before our writing workshop, it is due to my email (wwend@bcc.edu) by Monday evening. 


Week Six

Tuesday February 28th

  • Attendance  
  • Plot group work 
  • Discussion of Chopin's Story of an Hour 


For Next Time: Bring at least two copies of your paper for our first peer review speed dating session


Remember: Start reading the play now and get ahead of the class discussion. If you are applying for a extension, I need to hear about it by Wednesday.


Thursday March 1st

  • Attendance 
  • Writing workshop "peer review speed dating" day for our first paper
  • Class leadership meeting 


For Next Time: We will begin our discussion of tragedy. I will probably lecture for most of the period. It is essential you attend this class if you want to have a substantial understanding of the next portion of the course. 


Remember: Your first paper is due to my email (wwend@bcc.edu) by 11:59pm Friday night. 


Week Seven

Tuesday March 6th

  • Attendance
  • Discuss second paper assignment   
  • Introduce tragedy
  • Watch Othello 


For Next Time: Continue watching Othello


Remember: You will want to begin reading the play now. Take it a little at a time. 


Thursday March 8th

  • Attendance  
  • Finish viewing Othello
  • Class leadership meeting 


For Next Time: Read all of Othello by Tuesday (912-1019). I will expect you to be prepared to discuss the play at length. 


Remember: Enjoy your spring break. Today is the last day to resubmit your citation practice for credit.


Spring Break Reminders

  • Midterm failure reports will be sent out to students with below a low "C" or lower. Said students will also receive a note requesting a meeting with them when we return from spring break. The last day to withdraw with a "W" grade is March 30th. I will be posting midterm grades on Web Adviser during break. 


Week Eight

Tuesday March 20th

  • Attendance  
  • Discuss Othello


For Next Time: If you haven't finished reading the play, please do by Thursday


Remember: If you are having trouble with the language, read slowly and/or in brief increments. Try to only read a few scenes a day so you aren't overwhelmed


Thursday March 22nd

  • Attendance  
  • Finish discussion of Othello
  • Class leadership meeting 


For Next Time: Begin to read Ibsen's Hedda Gabler (A-1)


Remember: Please make sure you have read the play by next Tuesday.


Week Nine

Tuesday March 27th

  • SUMMAS? 
  • Attendance 
  • Discussion of Hedda Gabler


For Next Time: Make sure you have finished reading the play.


RememberKeep brewing on paper topics. If you have a topic already, I would suggest starting a draft of your paper soon. 


Thursday March 29th

  • Attendance 
  • Discussion of Hedda Gabler
  • Class leadership meeting 


For Next Time: We have a built in snow day


Remember: I will still be taking attendance on Tuesday. If you are submitting a rough draft for the second paper before our writing workshop, it is due to my email (wwend@bcc.edu) by Monday evening. Tomorrow is the final to receive a "W" in the course. 


Week Ten

Tuesday April 3rd

  • Attendance
  • Snow Day
  • Writing workshop to discuss issues with your first set of papers


For Next Time: Bring at least two copies of your paper for our second peer review speed dating session


Remember: Be prepared for our peer review session. Make sure you print copies of your paper before class. If you are applying for a extension, I need to hear about it by Wednesday.


Thursday April 5th

  • Attendance 
  • Writing workshop "peer review speed dating" day for our second paper
  • Class leadership meeting 


For Next Time: We will begin discussing Le Fanu's Carmilla


Remember: Your second paper is due to my email (wwend@bcc.edu) by 11:59pm Friday night. April 9th is the beginning of early registration for the fall. 


Week Eleven

Tuesday April 10th

  • Attendance 
  • Discussion of Le Fanu's Carmilla


For Next Time: Continue discussing Le Fanu's Carmilla


Remember: If you have not Carmilla yet, please finish it before class on Thursday


Thursday April 12th

  • Attendance
  • Finish discussion of Le Fanu's Carmilla 
  • Class leadership meeting 


For Next Time: Discussion of secondary sources for Carmilla (check your email) 


Remember: You don't have a lot of reading left, so you might want to just get it over with soon. Also, whenever you finish your journal, feel free to submit it before the due date.


Week Twelve

Tuesday April 17th

  • Group discussion of secondary sources for Carmilla


 For Next Time: Read Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 (501)


Remember: You don't have a lot of reading left, so you might want to just get it over with soon. Also, whenever you finish your journal, feel free to submit it before the due date.


Thursday April 19th

  • Attendance  
  • Discussion of Shakespeare's Sonnet 18


For Next Time: Read Browning's How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways (737)




Week Thirteen

Tuesday April 24th

  • Attendance 
  • Discussion of Browning's How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways 
  • Class leadership meeting 


For Next Time: Read Plath's The Mirror (A-67)


Remember: Quarter mark attendance warnings will go out to students with three or more absences. Standard registration begins tomorrow.


Thursday April 26th

  • Attendance  

  • Discussion of Plath's The Mirror


For Next Time: Read Millay's Second Fig (439) 




Week Fourteen

Tuesday May 1st

  • Attendance 
  • Discussion of Millay's Second Fig
  • Class leadership meeting 


For Next Time: Read Millay's I, being born a woman & distressed (A-210)




Thursday May 3rd

  • Attendance
  • Discussion of Millay's I, being born a woman & distressed  


For Next Time: Bring at least two copies of your paper for our final peer review speed dating session


Remember: Your final journal submission is due to my email (wwend@bcc.edu) by this evening. Your poetry exam responses are due by the beginning of our finals week session.


*****Our final session during finals week is Thursday May 10th from 10am-1150am. At that time, we will have our final writing workshop. Your final paper is due that evening.*****


Creative Commons License
Syllabus by William Patrick Wend is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

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